Business Solutions

Advance Central PA built the PA CareerLink® system across the nine-county region with a focus on service to employers and relevance to industry. PA CareerLink® utilizes a team of staff to engage employers across the region and provides an array of services to assist businesses of any size. To help your business grow and stay competitive, we offer:

Job Posting

Talent Recruitment

Employee Training


Layoff Assistance

Talent Pipeline


Labor Market Information

Tax Credits and Incentives

We can also customize services to meet a company’s specialized requests. Many of these valuable services are offered to employers at no charge, so just consider us an extension of your Human Resources department!

older adult make in a flannel shirt and blue vest

Job Posting

We know finding a qualified and dependable workforce is the most important ingredient in your company’s success. If you have positions to fill, we’re here to help you connect with skilled job seekers.

Post a job now or contact us to request assistance tailored to meet your business needs! Visit out Job Posting page for more information.

Talent Recruitment

PA CareerLink® staff can help you recruit talent by administering applications and pre-screening applicants. We can also tailor recruitment activities such as hiring events where you can attract a large and diverse pool of qualified applicants.

Visit our Talent Recruitment page for more information on how we can help you recruit and retain a qualified, skilled workforce.

two woman talking in a reception area
instructor helping a female student working in customer service

Employee Training

PA CareerLink® helps businesses connect with our local community colleges, economic development entities, and industry partners to develop training programs to increase the skillset of your employees.

Visit our Workforce Training page to learn how we can tailor on-the-job training and incumbent worker training to suit your skill needs.

Layoff Aversion Assistance

In a rapidly changing economy, fluctuations in the labor market are inevitable. Any business can be faced with the need to restructure or downsize. PA CareerLink® Rapid Response services can ease the transition for both the employer and the employee.

Visit our Layoff Aversion Assistance page for more information.

group of adults sitting in a circle in a meeting room
young woman sitting at an office desk reviewing paperwork

Labor Market Information

Access to accurate, easily shared data is an essential resource that helps local businesses and jobseekers better understand local demographic trends, business, and talent development needs.

Visit our Labor Market Information page to for more information on how we provide a wide array of local, regional, state, and national labor market data and analysis.

Tax Credits and Incentives

Successful businesses know how to leverage every resource available to positively affect your bottom line. Tax credits and incentives are among those resources available.

Visit our Diversity Your Workplace page to learn how PA CareerLink® can help you get connected with tax credits and other incentives, like Fidelity Bonding, that you can tap into when hiring new employees.

two men in business attire sitting at a table talking
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Customized Services for Businesses

Business Solutions Representatives work one-on-one with businesses to customize services to meet specialized requests. No matter what your workforce needs might be, we’ll be happy to listen and collaboratively help you develop a strategy and implementation plan. If your needs extend beyond workforce, we can help you connect with our vast network of partners so you can find the resources and information you need to stay competitive and thrive in Central PA.

Email us today to schedule an appointment:

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Advance Central PA

Advance Central PA, the local Workforce Development Board for the Central PA region, oversees programs that are designed to assure that the businesses in the nine-county Central Pennsylvania area remain competitive and grow jobs, that workers have the opportunities to obtain skills that will help them become or remain self-sufficient, and that our communities are economically resilient. We are committed to the development and unification of a demand-driven workforce system that will attract and grow businesses and the Central Pennsylvania economy.

Visit to learn more!